Material Oil on canvas
Dimensions 74 x 60 cm
Place of Creation Paris
Status Vetted

About the Work

Created in 1963, this painting is an impressive example of Toshimitsu Imai's dynamic, color-vivid abstract calligraphy. His effusive painting with abstract volcanic landscapes, high paste, sculpted to form agglomerated slag, expresses a bubbling that is sometimes organic, sometimes mineral. The canvases seem to have been fired in a kiln, the baked material still incandescent.

Calligraphy then appears, violent, an explosion or graffiti, caught up in both the breadth of gesture and the power of color. The heaps of biomorphic forms, the density of botanical geography, echo the works of Key Sato, Fautrier or Dubuffet.

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Private collection, France
Acquired directly from the artist in the 1960's, then remained in the family of the last owner since


For similar exemples :
Toshimitsu Imai, Ichiro Hariu, Kyuryudo Art Publishing, 1975, p.57/63
Imai, a Restrospective, 1950-1989, National Museum of Art Osaka, 1989, p.60/79
Imai, Gian Carlo Calza, Electa, 1997, p.126/151

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