Material Oil on canvas
Dimensions 95 3/4 x 75 1/4 in
Status Vetted

About the Work

Hubert Robert came to specialize in series of large architectural and landscape fantasies and companion overdoor paintings. The present paintings, which were executed when the artist was at the height of his career as a landscape and view painter, should be counted among his finest achievements.


Charles-Amédée Demachy (1852-1911); acquired at his estate sale (Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, May 24, 1912, lots 8 [“The Cascade”] and 9 [“The Canal”], illus. in cat.) by Héctor Beéche (1848-1932); by descent to
Baronne Charles de Cassin (née Claude Millon de la Verteville Beéche) (1923-2018), Château de Biard-la-Chapelle, Céré-la-Ronde (Indre-et-Loire)
Private collection, acquired from the above 1981


G. Isarlo, “Hubert Robert,” Connaissance des Arts, XXI, August 15, 1953, pp. 28 (“The Canal”) and 33 (“The Cascade”)

J. Baillio, “Hubert Robert’s Decorations for the Château de Bagatelle,” Metropolitan Museum Journal, XXVII, 1992, p. 158 (“The Canal”). Illustrated fig. 7

New York, Wildenstein, The Arts of France from François Ier to Napoléon Ier: A Centennial Celebration of Wildenstein’s Presence in New York, 2005-2006, pp. 208; 209, note 7, cited under no. 77

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