Material Oil on panel
Dimensions 29.8 x 46.2 cm
Place of Creation France
Status Vetted

About the Work


- Exposition rétrospective de tableaux et dessins des maîtres modernes, Paris, galerie Durand-Ruel, 1878, cat. n°250 (« Le Sommeil. Appartenant à M. Edwards. »);

- most probably Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition, New York, National Academy of Design, December 1883, cat. n°47 (« Nude », lent by Albert Spencer).

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- Adolphe Dugléré (1805-1884), head cook, commissioned directly to the artist circa 1846-1847;
- his sale, Paris, Hôtel des ventes mobilières, Me Ridel, February 1st, 1853, lot 54 (sold for 160 francs to « Valls »);
- Jacques Valls, insurance manager and collector, Le Havre;
- anonymous sale, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, Me Charles Pillet, March 27, 1868, lot 64, bought again by the previous for 880 francs;
- Jacques Valls, insurance manager and collector, Le Havre;
- Charles Edwards (1829-1894), English Levantine banker and collector, Paris;
- entrusted for sale by the previous to Goupil & Cie. Gallery, February 21, 1880, Paris (stock number on the back GC 14116);
- Albert Spencer (1853- ?), collector, New York, bought from the previous, March 13, 1880 for 5.000 francs;
- his sale, New York, Chickering Hall, Ortgies & Co. and R. Somerville, February 28, 1888, lot 54 (sold for 2.500 dollars to C. T. Barney);
- Charles Tracy Barney (1851-1907), financier, New York;
- Goupil & Cie. gallery, Paris;
- Cottier & Company, Paris and New York, in 1902;
- Frederic Bayley Pratt (1865-1945), chairman of the board and grandson of the founder of the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, acquired from the previous on April 26, 1904;
- Helen Pratt Philbin, née Pratt (1899-1972), daughter of the previous;
- Kathleen Darman, née Emmet (1942-2021), grand-daughter of the previous;
- her after death sale, New York, Doyle, November 9, 2021, lot 1006.


- A. Sensier, La Vie et l'œuvre de J.-F. Millet, Paris, 1881, p. 93 (as « Femme vue de dos sur un lit »);
- E. Durant-Gréville, « La Peinture aux États-Unis, les galeries privées (first article.) », Gazette des Beaux-arts, t. 36, 1887, p. 73;
- probably T. Child, « Jean François Millet: The Millet Exhibition in Paris », The Atlantic, October 1887, p. 510;
- Montezuma, « My Note Book », in. The Art Amateur, vol. 18, n°5, April 1888, p. 105;
- Étienne Moreau-Nélaton, Millet raconté par lui-même, Paris, 1921, vol. 1, p. 59;
- G. Geoffroy, A. Alexandre, Corot and Millet, special edition Winter 1902-3 of The Studio, London, Paris and New York, 1902, repr. pl. M-28 (photographic credit Cottier & Co);
- Robert L. Millet, Jean-François Millet, cat. exh., Musées Nationaux, Paris, 1975, p. 52, mentionned under the n°19 as related work in the former collection of « A. Spencer ».

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