Material Oil on canvas
Dimensions 65 x 35 cm
Place of Creation Forte dei Marmi (Italy)
Price Price available upon inquiry
Status Vetted

About the Work

Dated 1941, this painting portrays a close friend of the painter's, the well-known Italian writer and very esteemed film critic Pietro Gadda Conti, known as Piero (1902-1999); cousin of the Italian poet Carlo Emilio Gadda (1893-1973).

The scion of a distinguished Milanese bourgeois family, Piero became part of Milan's lively literary milieu at an early age. Frequenting the same circles, Colacicchi and Piero came into contact in 1927; it was the beginning of a long friendship that was to bind them for the rest of their lives.

As the date indicates, the portrait was painted during the years of the Second World War, when their respective families spent holidays in Forte dei Marmi, and it is clearly influenced by Colacicchi's passionate studies of 15th-century Florentine painting during the years in which the painter was hosted by Bernard Berenson in Vallombrosa at the Casa al Dono; studies that led him to publish, in 1943, one of the first monographs on the painting of Antonio Benci - Antonio del Pollaiuolo.

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Milan (IT), Gadda collection;
Lucca (IT), private collection.


_Giovanni Colacicchi_, critical text M. Fagiolo dell'Arco; testimony by A. Trombadori; biography by F. R. Morelli; _catalogue raisonné_ by S. Ragionieri, Milan 1991, no. 71, pp. 100, 205, fig. 91.

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