Material gilt silver
Dimensions 19.2 cm (diameter tazza 19.8 cm)
Place of Creation Antwerp
Status Vetted

About the Work

The edge writing surrounding the well reads: S.P.Q.A. ANDREAE VANDER MVULEN OB EGREGIAM OPERAM IN SOPIENDIS DISSIDIIS, OVAE RELIGIONIS ERGO INGRVEBANT GRATITVD MONVMENT (in English: 'S.P.Q.A. [Senatus Populusque Antverpiensis] The Senate and the people of Antwerp donate Andreas van der Muelen, because of his meritorious work whilst calming down the disputes that were risen because of religion, this token of gratitude').

The well of the tazza is decorated with an allegorical representation of the religious disputes in Antwerp at the time. To the right stands the legislative city's virgin of Antwerp, dressed in a classical robe, in her left hand she holds the stone tables of the law and a caduceus in her other hand. her left foot rests on a group of scientific instruments, a.o. a measuring rod and a balance scale, probably referring to the collapse of trade due to aforementioned religious disputes. To the right of the city's virgin stand a sheep and to her left, in the central part of the scene, a flock of sheep, referring to tranquility and peace. However, the quiet flock is brutally attacked by a wolf, represented in the foreground. Three shepherd's dogs keep the wolf at distance. The sheep surround a diagonally placed square altar block, embellished at the angles with ram's heads. To the side of the altar block we see the coat of arms of the city of Antwerp. The left arm is shown in its entirety: a stronghold with three opened, crenellated towers, surmounted by the two Antwerp hands. Only the Antwerp hands of the right coat of arms are visible. The castle is hidden behind the head of a sheep. From the altar block three plumes of smoke are pouring out, symbolising the three religions: Lutheranism, Calvinism and Catholicism. in the background we see a fantasy cityscape, in which a cupula can be detected, possibly referring to the heavenly Jerusalem, the cradle of feuding religions.

Surrounding this extremely specific decoration in the well of the tazza, very accurately depicted for the period in which it was created, the following edge writing was applied: S.P.Q.A. ANDREAE VANDER MVULEN OB EGREGIAM OPERAM IN SOPIENDIS DISSIDIIS, OVAE RELIGIONIS ERGO INGRVEBANT GRATITVD MONVMENT (in English: 'S.P.Q.A. [Senatus Populusque Antverpiensis] The Senate and the people of Antwerp donate Andreas van der Muelen, because of his meritorious work whilst calming down the disputes that were risen because of religion, this token of gratitude').

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N. Claessens, in: Jan Van der Stock (red.), Antwerpen, Verhaal van een metropool, 16de-17de eeuw, exh. cat. Hessenhuis Antwerp 1993, no. 143, p. 287;
Zilver uit de Gouden Eeuw van Antwerpen, Rockoxhuis, exh. cat. Rockoxhuis Antwerp 1988/1989, no. 57, p. 107;
Oud Zilver, exh. cat. Municipal Museum Zutphen, 1928, no. 72;

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