Material Oil on canvas
Dimensions 116 x 89 cm
Place of Creation Paris
Status Vetted

About the Work

When Serge Poliakoff (1900-1969) arrived in Paris in 1923, he was a young Russian emigrant fleeing the Revolution. A musician, his guitar was his major source of income. From 1929 onwards, he started dedicating his time to painting, immersing himself in the artistic scene of the time and becoming friends with Kandinsky, Sonia & Robert Delaunay and Franz Meyer. In the 1930’s, his first group exhibitions were held at the Galerie Denise-René. In 1946 he joined the avant-garde of abstract painting. 1952 was a decisive year for Poliakoff: exhibitions multiplied, American museums started acquiring his works and, thanks to a contract with the Galerie Bing, he started making a living from his art. In our Composition abstraite, painted this prolific year, plans pile up in a mosaic where shapes and colours are intertwined. By grinding his own pigments which he applied in layers, the artist created this unique and vibrant texture, enlightening the whole canvas. In 2013, the Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris organised a major solo exhibition of Poliakoff’s work. He was one of the most representative painter of the post-war generation which gave Paris its school of abstraction.

This painting by Poliakoff is surely amongst the most significant we have dealt with.

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Galerie Louis Carré, Paris (inv. 7578)
M. Eknayan, Paris
Private Collection, Lausanne
Private Collection, Paris


Gérard Durozoi, Poliakoff, L'Autre Musée, Paris 1984, ill. col. p. 47
Françoise Brütsch, Serge Poliakoff, Ides et Calendes, Neuchâtel 1993, ill. col. p. 88
Françoise Brütsch, Serge Poliakoff - Polychromes, Ides et Calendes, Neuchâtel 1996, ill. f/p. col. p. 29
Alexis Poliakoff, Serge Poliakoff, Catalogue raisonné, vol. I 1922 – 1954, Acatos, Paris, Moudon, 2005, n° 53-87, ill. col. p. 466

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