Material Gold and pigment on vellum
Dimensions 210 x 135 mm
Place of Creation France, Paris
Status Vetted

About the Work

This unrivaled Book of Hours, adorned with exquisite illuminations was conceived as a gift for Catherine of Aragon on the occasion of her marriage to Henry VIII of England. Commissioned by her sisters Joan, Duchess of Burgundy and Mary, Queen of Portugal, this remarkable manuscript showcases the masterful artistry of the renowned Parisian illuminator Jean Pichore. The codex features a total of 51 miniatures, 18 of which are full page. Its 24 calendar leaves are fully illustrated with portraits of saints, zodiacal signs in the margins and the labours of the months in the bas-de-page. Every single page is lavishly decorated with floral and ornamental borders that are inhabited by grotesques and animals.

The Hours of Catherine of Aragon is a remarkable achievement of bookmaking and stands as a testament to a pivotal moment in the lives of some of Europe’s most significant historical figures.

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1. Catherine of Aragon, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1485-
1536. Possibly intended as a wedding gift from her two sisters Joan of Burgundy and Mary of Portugal, their coats of arms united on f. 42r which would suggest a date of accomplishment around 1509.
2. Huth, Alfred Henry, 1850-1910. The famed collection of Henry Huth was sold
by Sotheby’s London 2-9 June 1913, lot 3796.
3. Colman, Dudley Maple, 1886-1957. He lent it in 1948 to the exhibition. A Thousand Years of French Books: Catalogue of an Exhibition of Manuscripts, First Editions and Bindings – Desmond Flower for the National Book League, London: Cambridge University Press, no. 14, p. 15.
4. Abbey, John Roland, Major, 1894-1969.
5. H.P. Kraus, cat. 80 Remarkable Manuscripts, Books and Maps from the IXth to the XVIIIth Century, no. 35.
6. USA, private collection built up in the 1950-1960s. By descent to to Switzer-
land, private collection.


H. P. Kraus, Retrospect - 100 outstanding manuscripts sold in the last four decades, cat. 1978, no. 88.
Avril, François, and Nicole Reynaud. Les manuscrits à peintures en France, 1440 - 1520. Paris: Flammarion, 1993 pp. 282-284.
Zöhl, Caroline. Jean Pichore: Buchmaler, Graphiker und Verleger in Paris um 1500. Ars nova 8. Turnhout: Brepols, 2004.

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