Material Acrylic on mylar matte panels
Dimensions 38 x 38 cm (each)
Price Price available upon inquiry
Status Vetted

About the Work

Giuseppe Panza di Biumo was among the first estimator of Ryman's work. He remembers seeing it for the first time: "When Ryman showed at Lambert Gallery in Milan in '69, suddenly I realized how beautiful this radical way of painting was, how strong this way of conceiving art was. I decided to buy all the Ryman paintings available in Europe and America. At this time Ryman had several shows in Europe, but he sold almost nothing. So it was possible to buy about 20 paintings in just a few months, which was all Ryman's production over several years".

With Panza's major acquisition and the extreme visibility of his artworks in the parts of Western Europe that were relevant to the art world at the time, Ryman's career institutionalized itself in the course of a single year with virtually unprecedented intensity. This after the artist had been producing works for more than fifteen years without gaining significant institutional recognition. Substantial museum exhibitions in Amsterdam, Brussels, and elsewhere in Europe followed, so that by the mid-1970s Carlo Huber's words would ring true: "Robert Ryman has likely become a household name for anyone who has looked around at major art exhibitions and art fairs or in magazines - at least, he is on his way to becoming one."

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Panza Collection, Mendrisio (Ch); Galleria Françoise Lambert, Milano (1969)


Germano Celant, 'Das Bild einer Geschichte 1956-1976: Die Sammlung Panza di Biumo. Die Geschichte eines Bildes: Action Painting. Nexdada, Pop Art. Minimal Art, Conceptual, Environmental Art', Milan, Electa International, 1980, p. 260, b/w illus; 'Art of the Sixties and Seventies, The Panza Collection' New York, Rizzoli, 1987, pp. 200-201, b/w illus.; Christopher Knight, preface by Richard Koshalek and Sherri Geldin, catalogue by Francesca Guicciardi 'Art of the Sixties and Seventies, The Panza Collection.' Interview with Giuseppe Panza by Christopher Knight. Newly revised and expanded as 'Art of the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies: The Panza Collection', and 'L'Arte degli anni '50, '60, ‘70: collezione Panza', Milan: Jaca Book, 1999, pp. 240-41, b/w illus...; 'Art of the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies, The Panza Collection', Editoriale Jaca Book spa, Milano, 1999, pp. 240-310; 'Minimalismo', Phaidon, 2005, p. 158; Giuseppe Panza, 'Memories of a Collector', New York, London, Abbeville Press Publishers, 2007, p. 204.

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