Material Gold, enamel, rock crystal, oil on copper, bone, and textile on paper
Dimensions 5 x 2,5 x 2,5 cm
Place of Creation Italy
Price Price available upon enquiry
Status Vetted

About the Work

A fine gold reliquary with a bone fragment of Mary Magdalene on one side and an exquisite miniature of the Saint on the other, covered with a rock crystal lid that can be opened. The rock crystal is faceted, masterly cut as a star on the miniature side, giving the illusion of sunbeams coming out of the Saint’s body when hit by daylight, and nevertheless allowing to see perfectly the painting through any of its facets. The piece is finely enameled in black on the octogonal perimeter and surmounted with a black and blue flower.


A noble Neapolitan family of Spanish descent

View artwork at TEFAF Maastricht 2025

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