Material Marble
Dimensions H. 45.1 cm
Place of Creation Roman
Price Price available upon inquiry
Status Vetted

About the Work

This high-quality portrait of a man with gaunt features is characterised by a degree verism and strongly individualised features. Furrowed forehead. The protruding brows cast a shadow over the deep-set eyes.

Sculpturally emphasised eyelids. Prominent cheekbones. Cheeks slightly sunken. The mouth area protrudes somewhat. Very narrow lips. Dimpled chin. The hair is structured in small sections. Short, close-fitting strands of hair and strands which are merely engraved contrast with sculpturally emphasized strands of hair made using a drill. The latter are limited to the area above the centre of the forehead, where the hair is slightly raised and combed away from the forehead. A hair whorl on the top of the head. The rendering of the hair, with its interplay between flat strands and more prominent sickle-shaped curls, whose arrangement does not appear to follow a clear pattern and is further enlivened by seemingly randomly placed short drilled channels, can be observed in portraits of the Emperor Titus (79-81 A.D.). The shape of the face with the slender lower section is reminiscent of portraits of Emperor Nerva (96-98 A.D.) while the narrow-lipped mouth is similar to that of Emperor Trajan (98-117 A.D.). The portrait head is mounted on a bust of the 19th century; the break runs through the upper part of the neck. The left ear and about two thirds of the nose have been lost; broken surfaces with historical restoration. Part of the right ear lost. Brows slightly worn.

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Formerly priv. coll. Edouard Sarasin, prior 1917, Grand-Saconnex family estate, chemin Edouard Sarasin, Geneva. Inherited by his great-great-grandson, prior 1998, Cara estate, Commune of Presinge. Thence in the family.


Published: Waldemar Deonna, (1909), "Nos Anciens et leurs oeuvres", in Musée d'Histoire de Genève magazine, p. 24, no. 21 (with illus.); Georges Nicole, (1914), Catalogue des sculptures grecques et romaines du Musée de Genève et des collections particulières genevoises, p. 21, nos 1922-1923; Waldemar Deonna, (1924), Catalogue des sculptures antiques, p. 152-153 (without illus.); Jacques Chamay, (2010) "A propos de trois portraits antiques", in Geneva 58, pp. 25-32, no. 4 (with illus.); Jacques Chamay, (2014), "Deux sculptures antiques retrouvées dans un grenier" in Antiquité, pp. 448-450 (without illus.).

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