Rediscovered fine antiques and works of art after three generations of Italian antiques dealers.
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TEFAF Maastricht
Highlighted artworks on TEFAF Maastricht 2025
Visit TEFAF Maastricht to view our selected artworks below.
Originally based in post-war Turin, the family art Business was founded by Anastasio Burzio, grandfather of the two owners who closed their Italian galleries twenty years ago and they start working full time in Paris and London, so were able after exhibited in all major Italian art fairs also to partecipate to all other important international art fairs worldwide including Tefaf, Paris biennale, Masterpiece London, Brafa Bruxelles and the major Antiques shows in the United States. Some of the rediscovered works by Laura and Luca Burzio, they have presented in last ten years in their stands at both Tefaf Fairs between Maastricht and New York have found their home in several important private collections around four continents including North and South America, Australia, Europe and Asia but most notably some more 25 important rediscoveries are now separated between twelve international public institutions including: the Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi (UAE); the Chicago Art Institute, the Detroit Institute of Art, the Museum of Fine Art in Houston, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, the Virginia Museum of fine arts and the Toledo Museum of Art (USA); the Reitz Foundation in Helsinki (FIN), the Musée de la ville d’Ajaccio in Corsica and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London (UK).
Italian Antiques Dealers Associated (Associazione Antiquari d’Italia).
Laura and Luca Burzio are often on the road in and outside UK so they are happy to welcome everyone at the Mayfair gallery only by appointment or during opening times of any BURZIO.’s temporary exhibition. Luca is very proud to keep an exhibitor badge on his name for more than 20 years in Maastricht and to exhibiting with Laura to all fairs in last nine years with their family stand always designed by the Italian Interior Designer Paolo Genta Ternavasio, both Tefaf New York Fall and Maastricht but also the two Italian biennales in Rome and Florence, at this proposal we are very proud to have exhibited again after many years from the 28th of September to the 6th of October at BIAF 2024, the 33’ edition of the oldest International Antiques Biennale where we were located at Stand n.13 on the right hand of the main entrance of Palazzo Corsini on Lungarno in Florence.
Italian Antiques Dealers Associated (Associazione Antiquari d’Italia).
Laura and Luca Burzio are often on the road in and outside UK so they are happy to welcome everyone at the Mayfair gallery only by appointment or during opening times of any BURZIO.’s temporary exhibition. Luca is very proud to keep an exhibitor badge on his name for more than 20 years in Maastricht and to exhibiting with Laura to all fairs in last nine years with their family stand always designed by the Italian Interior Designer Paolo Genta Ternavasio, both Tefaf New York Fall and Maastricht but also the two Italian biennales in Rome and Florence, at this proposal we are very proud to have exhibited again after many years from the 28th of September to the 6th of October at BIAF 2024, the 33’ edition of the oldest International Antiques Biennale where we were located at Stand n.13 on the right hand of the main entrance of Palazzo Corsini on Lungarno in Florence.

- Pietro Piffetti
- G.M.Bonzanigo
- G.B.Galletti
- Andrea Mimmi
- Giuseppe Valadier
- Luigi Valadier
- Luigi Manfredini
- F.H.JacobDesmalter
- Georges Jacob
- Carlo Bossoli
- Francesco Righetti
- François Rēmond
- Sebastiano Novale
- Léonard Boudin
- C.F.Rabiat
- Vincent DeVos
- Filippo Tagliolini
- Francesco Sibilio
- Francesco Ladatte
- Carlo Randoni
- Lodovico Caselli
- Alexandre Brachard
- Carlo Albacini
- A.A.Ravrio
- Filippo Parodi
- Manuel Tolsā
- J.J.Caffieri
- Theophil Hansen
- A.L.R.Ducros
- Matthew Boulton
- BartolomeoManghetti
- Francesco Segala
- Agostino Gerli
- Medardo Arnold
- Giorgio Vasari
- Lorenzo Deferrari
- B.PorfirioDaleccio
- G.B.Maroni
- Nunzio Gino
- BernardoBuontalenti
- Lorenzo Dolci
- Giuseppe Viglione
- Luigi Prinotto
- Pietro Massa
- Crispino Vivilacqua
- Leopold Pollack
- Vincenzo Brenna
- Christophe Dihl
- Giustiniani Real Fabbrica
- Ferdinandea Manufactory
- RaimondoTrentanove
- SēvresPorcelain
- Dominique Daguerre
- MartinEloyLignereux
- PierrePhilippeThomire
- PierreHache
- JeanFrançoisHache
- NastPorcelain
- AndréCharlesBoulle
- PhilippeCaffieri
- CapodimontePorcelain
- AntoineDenisChaudet
- DocciaPorcelain
- JosephGegenbachCanabas
- GiuseppeMaggiolini
- AndreaValadier
- GiacomoRaffaelli
- Soldani Benzi
- Vizzo
- PaoloSani
- Jeanselme
- PierreHachette
- AntonioLanducci
- GaetanoDescalzi
- PelagioPalagi
- GabrieleCapello
- HenryThomasPeters
- GiacomoMarchino
- FrancescoTanadei
- LuigiBernero
- GiovanbattistaBernero
- IgnazioCollino
- FilippoCollino
- AmedeoLavy
- GiacomoSpalla
- FrancescoBolgié
- LaurentPecheux
- GiovanniMigliara
- CharlesGabrielLemire
- OrleansPorcelain
- FrancescoPicasso
- AndreaAppiani
- GranducalWorkshops
- CasimirMünch
- LaurentGuiard
- RussianImperialWorkshops
- TheBronzespedition
- GiuseppeLevati
- LeonardoMarini
- CarloPiacenza
- GiocondoAlbertolli
- GiuseppeVenanzioMarvuglia
- FilippoJuvarra
- BenedettoAlfieri
- JusteAurēle Meissonier
- GiovanBattistaBoucheron
- BiagioFerrero
- GiuseppeAntonioGianotti
- IgnazioRavelli
- LuigiRavelli
- BernardMolitor
- FrancescoMaggiolini
- Jacopo Maria Foggini
- Ferniani Earthenware Manufactory Faenza
- Felice Giani
- Lorenzo Bartolini
- NicolasQuinibertFoliot
- Nicoló Lagaggio
- Giuseppe Borsato
- Ignazio Passanti
- Jean Christophe Fischer
- Jacques Edmé Dumont