Galerie Nicolas Bourriaud

Sculptures from 19th and 20th centuries

Galerie Nicolas Bourriaud


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TEFAF Maastricht

March 15-20, 2025
Stand 192
An antique dealer, specialized in 19th and 20th Century Sculpture, Nicolas Bourriaud, who
was raised in an artistic environment, developed a passion for French bronze sculptures at an early age. Works of art of some of the greatest sculptors such as Barye, Belmondo, Joseph Bernard, Bugatti, Carpeaux, Dalou, Godchaux, Guyot, Rodin, Pompon or Sandoz are displayed in his gallery. These remarkable bronzes with nuanced patina bear the mark of prestigious founders such as Barbedienne, Hebrard, Rudier, Siot Decauville, Susse, Valsuani...
Every sculpture is chosen with utmost care, each of them carrying all the greatness of the 19th and beginning of the 20th Century French Sculpture.
Nicolas Bourriaud is an expert to the National House of Specialized Experts in art and collection objects (CNES) and a member of the National Union of Antiquarians (SNA).


  • Antoine-Louis BARYE
  • Rembrandt BUGATTI
  • Aimé-Jules DALOU
  • Roger GODCHAUX
  • Georges-Lucien GUYOT
  • Armand PETERSEN
  • François POMPON
  • Auguste RODIN
  • Edouard-Marcel SANDOZ

Visit us at TEFAF Maastricht 2025

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